

澳门新葡京博彩 has a long history of developing the leadership skills 和 talents of its internal stakeholders by providing professional growth opportunities for its employees. This effort has resulted in two specific leadership development programs that occur annually, the 授权领袖专业系列(ELPS) 和 the 校长领导学院. The 校长领导学院 is facilitated through the Office of 企业与领导力发展 和 it aligns with the vision of 澳门新葡京博彩 President, Dr. 安吉拉·加西亚·法尔科内蒂. Dr. Falconetti states that “investing in the professional development of faculty 和 staff not only benefits employees, 还有我们的学生和他们的成功.”

This leadership development program is for Polk State faculty 和 staff 和 provides participants with the opportunity to exp和 their learning 和 experiential skills to develop a deeper underst和ing of how personal 和 professional decision-making can drive successful outcomes. Participants take part in site visits to statewide conferences 和 the Florida Legislature to engage in 活动 that foster the development of strong interpersonal relationships with classmates 和 mentors. Participants also network 和 learn from recognized leaders throughout Polk County. The program provides participants with the requisite leadership skills 和 confidence to excel in the workplace 和 beyond. A key component of the program is the College Impact Project which requires participants to research, 评估, 和 address specific needs within the 澳门新葡京博彩 ecosystem by creating targeted solutions via carefully crafted proposals.

(申请日期:2024年7月1日. 申请截止日期:2024年8月30日)

问题 regarding the 校长领导学院 may be directed to Dr. 克雷格年代. Collins, Associate Vice President for 企业与领导力发展, at ccollins@波尔克.edu or LEAD@波尔克.edu.

  1. 参与的好处

    Highlights of the 校长领导学院 include a personalized DISC behavior assessment with correlated workplace applications, 导师关系注重职业发展, 以及在会议和塔拉哈西的体验式学习.  该研究所通过一项合作的图书研究将参与者联系起来, 以及提高口头和书面沟通能力的机会. 这些项目资产有助于培养领导技能, 意识, 并为学员带来深刻的专业发展.

  2. 参与者期望

    每个参与者 takes part in leadership-building opportunities that enhance professional 和 personal skills. 参加项目需要作出以下承诺:

    • Attend monthly 校长领导学院 professional development sessions (participants may have no more than two absences as required).
    • Complete an individual DISC assessment 和 attend the required DISC training session.
    • 执行个人大学影响项目 如下所述.
    • Attend a minimum of two 澳门新葡京博彩 District Board of Trustees (DBOT) meetings.
    • 参加两次澳门新葡京博彩的活动(活动由四年级决定.e. 篮球赛、音乐会等.
    • Travel to Tallahassee to observe the legislative session 和 interact with state officials.
    • 参加学院毕业典礼.

    每个参与者, 在整个项目过程中, 是否会与导师一起选择和构思项目.

    • Select a mentor at the administrative level (P19 or above) for the duration of the program for guidance relative to leadership growth 和 your project of choice.
    • Develop 和 implement a project that has institutional impact 和 is applicable to the participant’s current scope of responsibilities.
    • 与导师一起参加月度会议.
    • 在总统幕僚面前提出这个计划, 大学管理, 以及过去的学院项目校友.
  3. 项目结束后的职责

    在节目结束时, 校长领导学院的校友继续:

    • Build on his or her experiences through further participation in the 校长领导学院, 各种领导机会, 以及一个指导伙伴关系.
    • 接收有关领导发展的信息.
    • Share program experiences 和 assistance with future ambassadors through teaching, 指导, 以及演讲活动.
    • Assist with the program’s development by completing a program assessment 和 providing a written synopsis of how the program has influenced 和 inspired his or her career trajectory.
  4. 参与要求

    • 成为澳门新葡京博彩专业职位的全职员工.
    • 拥有学士学位或完成ELPS课程.
    • Be employed at Polk State full-time for at least one year in a professional position.
    • Anticipate remaining at the College for a minimum of one year after completion of the 校长领导学院.

    注意: Previous graduates of the ELITE program are eligible to apply for the 校长领导学院.

  5. 申请过程

    有主管的批准, an individual may submit an application with the required supporting documentation by the stated deadline.

    主管须知: By recommending an employee for participation you acknowledge the out-of-office time commitment of the employee for the dates listed below.

    总统领导学院的申请, 连同所有所需文件, must be submitted to the Office of 企业与领导力发展 by August 30, 2024.

    申请所需文件 (作为电子申请的一部分上载)包括:

    • A letter/email of support 和 endorsement from the immediate supervisor commenting on the applicant’s leadership potential 和 indicate support for his or her participation in all 活动 of the 校长领导学院.
    • 包括领导经验的简历, 教育背景, 以及社区和志愿者活动.
    • A typed personal statement with reasons for applying for this leadership opportunity that include:
      1. 参加学院如何有利于职业目标.
      2. 参加研修会对学院有何益处.

    Participants must commit to the dates below for participation in Class IV of the 校长领导学院.

    10月11日, 8:30 a.m. 到下午3:30.m. (早餐介绍及第一部分)[必选]
    (毕业实习- 2025年7月25日)

  6. 学生干部奖学金

    If you are interested in donating to the 校长领导学院’s “学生干部奖学金” please visit 基金会.波尔克.edu/donors/donate-now.